www.brianapps.net - Programs by Brian Apps


Sizer is a utility to resize windows to exact dimensions. It is used by web designers, technical authors, developers and minecraft players, to exert control over where and how big application windows should be.

Preview releases of Sizer 4.0 (the latest version) are available. This version is designed to run on Windows 10 and 64 bit systems.


JuggleSaver is a screensaver for Windows that uses OpenGL to animate juggling patterns in 3D. The code is old and doesn't work very well on modern computers.

A WebGL version of the simulator is also is available that runs on most modern browsers.

Toss Up

Recreations of the Toss Up (aka Ball) handheld game that was the first in the Game & Watch series. The HTML 5 version can be played inside modern browsers.

Hot Key Plus

Hot Key Plus is a tiny program that allows you to use a keyboard shortcut to run a command or application. Other programs do the same and more (like AutoHotKey) but some people like the simplicity and compactness of HKP.


Information about some old programs: